from s
r o l l
return each to her
mother's house
écrire son recire. or verbs for stroking. a sure older than sure. splayed under the piano admiring dandelions stretching the cracks and her unshoed toes run sad or rule the sea as she balances wreathlessly. faithful to sadness she cannot pausing at the threshold of faces with automatic doors. salts sentiment. allotropes for a nephew washing with sand to abrade shyness and indefinite foreigness. she prescribes honey for aches with responsibility — mix with lemon for infections. a thought would unmask perhaps squashed angels. watching with a nephew her filling pencils with phosphorescent leads — the flickering threads are a soul rune or refiguration of the present. beige lace. wrapping snowbright dreams. where she tangoes imperfectly sears around the rule. hears unconvicted patterns imperatively profuse bodies. pouncing like nightcats. across a familiar isolation. as nuns prepare pea cholent <in welches Werk bist du jetzt vertieft?> a night whispering. a true cold drumming. are and routes lusher? she catches a memory inflections fractional respondency. she will knot chromosome and sentence. fringe pores. exoduce and intronerate. heart sure sound real. at fever's melody. poetry he wrote is natural. something unseeable singing. moss spores. in greek envelopes. shelter around a ruse. exstinctively addressed. has the crystallized violet seal an untrue order? she begins a cleanbeat <Death is prerequisite to the growth of grass> in summer they played in a hawthorn cave. or on atlantic beaches before the waves brought in tarred bladderwrack and consciousness the missing of a passing afternoon. (the broken gift.) they ate ice-creams. (the empty stick.) then they played table tennis. and summer passed and they returned to school. brother and sister. no uncles. the rhythm of the poem the tide before sunrise. understanding that tastes muddy <linguistic diversity should be taken as seriously as biodiversity> like a blue probability. almost. when angels dived into mouths. they tuned their songs to the vintage bubbles. to reduction. to unapprehended measures. and what they sang reverberates in embryonic skulls. across leading articles and strawberries happeningness hingèdness herbrewness whispered over a nephew's bones a junction between edges. she pounces her imagination with pollen from pears. smoke- opaqued materials pussyfoots among the fasnacht hens. while she watches for a walking relationship — a relationship aligned by microscopic divergences his breath smuggles an audacity. beaten so thin but she cuts it up again. one piece she eats washed down with lemon wine. three she beats again. until they can fly like an unrequited question. because of the. ring: unbalanced experiments. almost. returning us through the beginning. in a soundless lightless explosion. or extraplosion. paused in a timeless surface the equations solved the sky shredded. the angels crash overloaded with deleted memories <Le poème est une diagonale qui raie le monde comme la syntaxe est la diagonale du poème> O imagine a box made from murine smiles almost a yellow light stretched as the lining as soft as cooked rice it holds her sandals routes rue like a problem for a nephew spinning stops she hides a larousse under the laws now imagine the box can fly fueled by tryptic suggestions whenever uses fail it also brings three hairs of an answer green smoke an inheritent for fragments' sake stroked with milk from lupin seeds <Alterslos kann man als Mensch nicht werden> <in
welches Werk . . .> Rose Aüslander: Der Flügelteppich; in:
Gedichte 1977–1979 (Ges. Werke Bd. 5), 1985, S. 313
<Death is prerequisite . . .> Robert Duncan: Nor is the Past Pure; in: The Opening of the Field. New York, New Directions, 1973 (first published 1960), p. 43 <linguistic diversity should . . .> Samantha Ellis reviewing Mark Abley: Spoken Here: Travels among Threatened Languages. Guardian Weekly February 19–25 2004, p. 17 <Le poème est . . .> Paul Celan cited by Jean Daive: La Condition d'infini. 5. Sous la coupole. Paris, P.O.L., 1996, p. 154 <Alterslos kann man . . .> Sappho; cited by Herwig Maehler: Auch Sappho klagte über das Alter. Neues in einem jüngst publizierten Papyrustext. Neue Zürcher Zeitung Mittwoch, 1. Dezember 2004 ◊ Nr. 281, S. 44 unter der sonne
ephemeral grants. quiet in open rooms and raindropped probabilities. a correspondent nell climacterically at fainedness. knowing that one poem will not redeem past throws <Die Verantwortung für das Auslöschen eines Menschenlebens will im Grunde niemand übernehmen> ephemeral grades. quiet in open rooms. awkward as habit. adopted after a distance. quiet in open rooms them. into a flowerfall of absorbant yellow. but beyond as necessity. scripturally slow light to adapt after the distance <Il me reste d'être l'ombre parmi les ombres d'être cent fois plus ombre que l'ombre d'être l'ombre qui viendra et reviendra dans ta vie ensoleillée> the acquisition but before with necessarily. such appearances but irregularly. her moistly selective hands. with a mauved quality this thought therefore comes. mitosing meiosing. proposing that the pale yellow returns the pale yellow and reciprocal probabilities to make a beedance about. her mouldly. quiet implants open rooms. result to this moment. musked marcescent. a way to. approaching only the means. to accomodate a microtactics <Chacun sait que le jardinage n'est pas une science exacte> face replacement. converse intimate features. a voice held in a curious beginning. fading roles. form the moment that her figure visibly (faults and folds) around visibly figure her that moment the form. but between the nodes. dreams inflated by photosynthesis. prior to any adventition quotidian quantum conversations. leaves darkgreen with an inky edge. membrane means. she approaches the paragraph through citations cut as short as grass <Leur empreinte me suffit pour croire qu'ils viennent seulement de refermer la porte> if severely. quickened choices. positioned in positions. world of melismas and mentalities such weedy evolutions. and distributions. of the movement carried on by continuing for a resin of space. when this family contains a spiral <Schon als Kind habe ich immer von der Schweiz gehört — man hat mir das Land als neutrales Paradies geschildert> a residue of time. this family contains a pyralysis and contrasanguinuity. quiet in open rooms. with cloud-filtered stretches. in them the present drifts beyond the quiet to open rooms <Zuerst sah das Paradies allerdings grau aus> agapantha curled in sleep. thoughts circle through a cool old afternoon. slowly through a vocabulary pruned to maintain its qualities (pruning as the sensitive act). yleno has selected a variety with thorns slightly hooked. this afternoon she found a canticle hesitating around her heart <Ich kam in ein Asylantenheim — nach drei Monaten durfte ich arbeiten> a rambling. seeing substance contents with the colour of sneezes. and the garden should have the benefit of visitors. stretching eyes. their noses allocated too. world of aethers and allergies and nell sending yleno a poem dedicated to father hugo. who brought an early-flowering chinese species to europe before the sturdy hybrids have dreamt their crimsons whites and pinks a yellow rose perfumes the present with fugitive harmonies the course of the slant of words and faces. different performances of intensity. considering consciousness nell had rubbed the diminishing elm soot into her own plasma. and raphed probabilities. thoughts wave through a new wet evening <La rime est cette rose épuisée qui s'affaisse> O and at times in changeably her going beyonding passage from lightless that can never reach black the shared torn between four eyes and not charmingly the scattered affinity to the period soft adjectives that claim the adjectival as their attribute sometimes here and someplace now sometime and someplaces here composition decomposition put off the the lingering passage from darkless that can never reach white before the sense in going to disconcerts < perhaps eat afterwords???> <Die Verantwortung für . .
.> Programme notes to Nizhalkkuthu [Shadow Kill], dir. Adoor
Gopalakrishnan. Stadtkino Basel, Mai 2004, S. 14
<Il me reste . . .> Robert Desnos cited by Jean Cayrol in: It était une fois Jean Cayrol. Paris, Seuil, 1982, p. 91 <Chacun sait que . . .> O. Sala: Guide des roses. Lausanne, Delachaux et Niestlé, 2000, p. 8 <Leur empreinte me . . .> Jean Cayrol, ibid., p. 17 <Schon als Kind . . . durfte ich arbeiten> Aliou Koti: Ele miame. Basler Zeitung Montag 3. Mai 2004, Nr. 102, S. 23 <La rime est . . .> Jean Cayrol: A voix haute: poèmes. Paris, Seuil, 1990, p. 70 < perhaps eat . . .> e-mail from Mela Meierhans, Friday 30 April 2004 les oasis des pâtres s'endeuillent über umgangsformen. "wringing out the shocked edges." its qualities of chimerism
nude tree on hold. its qualities of
despite concreteness. "or with a lilac folding" : perfume of a self-trained perhaps "not quite the imperfect chain." lovely the way that nurture resources. "the lovely foiling the real has an audience." raphed responses. breathing with dreaming the natural. possibly pitched participates. keeping the northern effort in frame something remembered mistaken for a moth. the improvisional chain. they implement a luce phase. a poreality. practising the thoughts' rhythms. change or take away. wreathe selves with hands. who wrote that an emotion could not preoccupy an experiment? "austere and answering the incidental chain." practise the thought rhythms. a corporeality. crow notes as powerful as salts in sweat. what touches the ear. remanded in the body. at precisely this reception <den Ort geplündert und anschliessend einen Teil der Einwohner lebendigen Leibes verbrannt> (but) go. (but) go! (but) get out! (but) go! get out! vanish. "our opening." difficult as farewell and welcoming. its qualities of concatenation pointed as autumn pears. "because without sound a not haemorrhages." overwhelmingly
a half tone flattened by
wars. difficult as modewells and whetherings "love with." the insidereal chain. read so to duplicate the song. reads resentiments. "read so rehearses a hidden movement." the poised after resting the words. their complex vows "in what work are you abandoned?" distinctly simply intensing daily reality enters and mocks security. unpeel a metemphysical hate. "distinctly simply difficult to control intention." dark roles employed as measured surprise. enough that such ways imitation provides <der Konflikt könnte sich — ähnlich wie vor zehn Jahren die Gewaltwelle in Ruanda — zu einem Völkermord ausweiten"> counterpatterns conducted to style its qualities of chambered lightening for example. the infernalized chain. convected with a hunger ("scraping hours to speak of pleasure.") a part. for a diverged audience the terms radiate and <the international response is to wait and see what happens in a month's time> bureaucratic goes. bern woes. ghost houses (flatly:) go (resolutely:) go (sharper:) leave go × raus = disappear out of what story. some wild words prized from remote presences a matrix of after statements.
remote notes pitched presently
and floating from recognition traditions our love : "thoroughly there." that transparent dark the individual attempt. these endless phrases for. "melodies also magics occur as an option." "vibrating materials for results that suggest not smother their fumes." rocks represence. "drops another nevertheless for composure." their hands an approach to the ear-touching tension. eat my unhale lipscape theme. "skill of some regret." the insolvent chain. "and drink a lager." "dynamic rests expanded and much is nothing gestating." they implement a pale cause here "timed and sapphoed." a shine before fireworks. "to our meaning when." people in pain as difficult as other. scream. our moves sometimes roughly sometimes smoother. an understanding of theory a concentration on practice ![]() or connects rather to an issue of
situation paling as
summer grasses we might particularly deliberate or really practising the thoughts reveal their rhythms practice that thought rhythms the introductory chain details remnants energies arousals migrations each desides our moves sometimes a furthermore within the furthermore these endless fractures for removing with some kind of new face melt the unsympathetic phase the ice chain but the exact source of the line whispers at unobtained past our moves sometimes <Loss is always> <den Ort geplündert . . .>
jpk: Janjawid-Milizen in Darfur schwer belastet. Neue Zürcher
Zeitung Donnerstag, 29. Juli 2004 ◊ Nr. 174, S. 2 ['sacked the place
finally burned some of the inhabitants alive']
<der Konflikt könnte . . . > Alexandra Zavis (summarizing Kofi Annan): «Sie töten jeden, der schwarz ist» Basler Zeitung Samstag/Sonntag 24./25. Juli 2004, Nr. 171, S. 5 ['the conflict could — as with the wave of violence in Ruanda 10 years ago — develop into a genocide'] <the international response . . .> Guardian Weekly July 30–August 5 2004, p. 11 <Loss is always> Glyn Maxwell: Phaeton and the Chariot of the Sun; in: Michael Hofmann, James Lasdun (eds): After Ovid: New Metamorphoses. New York, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1994, p. 75 Note: Simon* hat sich auch einen Teller geholt. Er sitzt abseits von den anderen. Seine Augen sind trüb, sein Gesicht aufgedunsen, und gibt man ihm den Hand, hat man das Gefühl, gewellten Karton anzufassen. Simon kommt direkt aus dem Gefängnis. Fünf Tage war er drin. Bis ihn Basler Polizisten nach Aarau fuhren (der Aargau ist sein Ausschaffungskanton) und sagten: «Lass dich nie mehr blicken. Go go go!» Die Aarauer nahmen ihn rein und stellten ihn gleich wieder raus: «Geh doch zurück nach Basel. Go go go!» Simon kann nicht mehr. Will nicht mehr. Yvonne Schepperle dreht sich ein wenig zur Seite und sagt: «Er ist depressiv. Er muss zum Arzt.» Versichert sich die Asylsuchenden nicht, aber die Pfarrei kennt zwei Ärzte, welche die Leute ehrenamtlich betreuen. Ob sie Simon noch behandeln werden ist unsicher. Er will weg. Weg aus der Schweiz. In ein anderes Land. Er hat schon Kontakte geknüpft und will bald gehen. Sehr bald. «Ich will mich nicht einfach verstecken. Ich will weg. Einfach nur weg.» * Namen geändert From Philipp Loser: Abgetauchte Asylbewerber: Trostloses Leben in der Illegalität. Basler Zeitung, Dienstag, 27. Juli 2004, Nr. 173, S. 3 |
lives in
Basel, Switzerland, where she earns a living as a freelance translator
and editor. She has published two full-length books (the blue pearl, Salt
Publishing, 2003; worked on
Poetry Salzburg, 2005) and three chapbooks (sand.soda.lime, Broken
Boulder Press, 2002; that those
lips had language, Plan B
Press, 2005; from eternity
to personal pronoun, Heliotrope
Press, forthcoming). Further poems from scroll will appear
'Shearsman' 67/68 in 2006. Poems from the sequence correspondence
with nobody can be found
online at 'How2', while a
section from the sequence dangerous skin at 'The Argotist Online', where an interview
will also soon appear.