untitle: No. 2 of the Programme Soft Razionale

Swallow the pencils
robber of robbers
the secret catholic, tin fields
no longer American fruit
--analyzable discord that is
retarded in its perfection

It is the same
in labor
in leisure
the longing for mortality

I'm not a woman artist
I am a woman

Disc Jack

I will build you bone for bone
as I was made
grain for grain

shade lawn, questions of
production, dissemination,

So little of that matters now
For this is the sticky ash
I've employed, the contract
I've drawn up
against all reason

The beatings and prostitution continue

Who are the proletarians (old joke),
just another idiotic group
more difficult now to jigsaw

But are existing, barely,
amongst us

Not language
in the way we once
examined, but
more like misconstrued
dialogue  Equal part missing
Unequal pie

But most intensely
in the free-time
of course

Not gifted  Not weighted
down with stormy diatribe
Nor will I  No,
is no longer an offense
Screen actress

Again I hesitate
Blue gutter of distrust,
the way it went
the way it was
the garbage man's cigarette

Viper the streets

They look too flashy
to be serious or committed

Vacuity star
the eccentricities
What aesthetic has he got
I don't understand it

Transcontinental discord
In that film,
more than any other
-- I. H.'s finest
tho not
exceeding expectations
Dezember der vogel, sick
palace, express  Not
expressing: the neat

My incipience
no longer American fruit
Neue horizonte

Grammarian overachiever, she
saunters the street
in negligent repose

Realizing once and for all
we dislike French cinema

O compound
slick treatise
falsifying  Discuss
the models'


Carriage house
these times end
times  Marker

Verstehe he
joint cusser
the event of

to concern,

action and--
Cougar palm
guardrail seise

The big parts of
Van der Rohe's climate
sweep nation
and beyond

Big thing with modernism
and then past that
backward to future, advance
advance, pure come-on

for the sake of
dates  1929 Barcelona
World's Fair

Points of privilege
debate involvement
or motivations for

hear another route
make that twenty-one

Prima facie, I think
you've got one, reference

only admit that we
couldn't have beaten our fists
long enough
to stitch that

serve, deckhand, etcetera

The wife's bedroom
The upper terrace
The library

Well, someone / has
to build it

Discharge fantasy
made-value, sure
regular systemisation of principles
thought particle

Increased knowledge
at once sacred and profane 
Still remaining
for me

Measure your corpus
by square feet, tier

- Mouth of evil -
shattered splint, permitting
some violent corner
preexisting mare

gone by
the wayside  Layer
the contact sheet

Preeminent visitors arrive
to shelve the  O
so longed--
Who qualified Them

For no training could season
No preparations
could senior
This first, a calling
and later

Creditors shrouded
in the dressings of royalty
Standardised and routinised
marks, grants, balloons

Couture cheapening
Meaning:  old hack

Airplane ragged
pink collars and

their mate  In the
off times and the

down  General
das Gute  Faulty

prostheses found
discarded sect

To be elitist
I can understand
but to be deliberately

Competition fiercest

The bones continue to line the kerb

On some other journey
seems senseless
To never be local,

You have no establishment
you are only under it
and look forward to a world

This coterie, a secret society

Rationalising mistake, goof
harbinger  S. in
Coup de Grace
sentiment, and the sleeping
car conductor
an upstart

Disinterest yourself

Transaction, exchange, firepower

From a rearing
of contamination, a coming
to believe
the needs matter
only  Further that:
to eschew all want
--antiseptic fosse

You and your logic
do not take up the stick
A design, an end

Do not take up the walk
for its message only

A detriment, a fluid
some natural force arranging
if a trust in such

Soluble rein

Becoming a pro
Repro, steady social relations
in ready stasis

You were saying
Watch me play Pac-Man now  I said
What's wrong with you
What happened at the laundromat
You know what happened
The little girl
was getting beat by her father
--change, counter,
schleck; being accurate recount

Mawksie again, you exclaim
in blue ink, in red ink
poem for the death of
which threw me past a point

of degeneration

Magic, our ulterior
alchemy, a misread
--a la miroir
packaging ships

The whole east of jist
like a beer-drenched
rag, like a boxer's mitt
snaked in oil
thrown to the dog's paw, the whole
raucous bounty of it
in the burnt-out garage

This day
Senator, on T-V
reading Workers World
fifty cents

Don't curious yourself
too much
Refer links

Criticizing some mode
not longer
in play, exhaust

The writing there
unspecific and crushing
Cause up

New things:
the perfect moment fading
with it,
the purple sun

All that black rum in the drain

Sutured corpuscle
esp. the brain
a nerd with curly

Above all
quicker and getter
Imprisonment continues
my tiny life in the states
continues, but a lolling

Documentary states

Watching The Third Man
night after night
You in silk, I
in a mackintosh

Pop music, sweat
and aftershave

«±  ±»

jon leon's poems have recently appeared in Order & Decorum, Backwards City Review, Dirt, Word for/ Word, and Kulture Vulture. He is the author of _Boxd Transistor_ forthcoming from Whole Coconut, and editor of  Wherever We Put Our Hats.


