duane locke


Heels are carousing carousels,
Metal animals snorting,
Moving as the bellows of an accordion,
Childhood-believed Christmas carols,
Geometic forms
On imaginary embassy floors
That danced in bygone movies,
The movies
That unemancipated to the illusion
Persian carpets
Were from Persia.

Most precious quasi-sacred dazzling lotteries
Radiant crisscrossed gold braceleted ankles

Joseph's multicolored coat.

Joseph's multicolored coat.

The Ruby Hummingbird's throat

The Ruby Hummingbird's throat


The continuity is the coup d'tat, confessions,
Musical, clavichordal, claret-colored, minus
A correspondence, but coherent thus independent
Of any event, reverie, or foot bridge, discoveries
Without documentation from life experience,
But stylography
On Styx,

The authentic voice, the monk on a raw wood
High stool, copying calligraphically

A language he cannot read, the brain,
The monastery and monster, an obituary notice
And a birth cry, the sandstorm without sand,

A ivory skull topped with a wig.

A deep knowledge of mask and costumes, poses,
Jests, jubilation mistaken for people
Supplies the fiction for the confession,

Joss sticks burned in joss houses
On journal pages,

Our sight warped, distorted by tradition,  popular
Puts us out of sight of what can be seen,
So we see
As blind puppets
Paupers, purposes, parrots,

Baseball pitchers.


Ease was responsible for the wisdom,
But the ease was not ease but obedience
To the instructors, although the instructors
Were only quasi-conscious of the content
Conveyed by their instructions.
When the instructors were confronted,
Being accused that the instructors did not understand
What they instructed, the instructors
Would make was what termed �an improvised
Speech,� although the prepared, printed
Speech had been e mailed to them
Decades ago.  The author of the improvised
Speech was unknown.  Some thought
He was a famous golfer, or rock singer,
Or an absentee owner of a shopping mall.
Once the man who was said that ease
Was responsible for his wisdom,
had sensed the harm to humanity
That his wisdom had caused. started
To repudiate his wisdom, but
He could clarify what his wisdom was.
It was vague, influential, but not
Comprehended, therefore he did not
Know what to repudiate.  Instead
He went to a false Venice in Las Vegas.
Most of his thirty volumes were not
Written by him, but by his blonde
Secretary and mistress.  She wrote
Most of the work while drugged,
And never know what she was writing.
In all newspaper interview she denied
She wrote the work. She claimed
That his wife wrote the works. The works
Was widely read and very influential.
The influence was said to have spread
Mediocrity and criticized the superior so severely
That the superior became taboo.
The works are now standard texts
In our school system and required reading.


«±  ±»

duane locke Doctor of Philosophy, English Renaissance literature, Professor Emeritus of the Humanities, was Poet in Residence at the University of Tampa  for over 20 years and is widely published, both online and in print.




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