Extraction Drills
1. The caravan lazes with surgical sheers. We implement moments. Artifice. 2. Our wives laze with surgical sheers. We implement moments of hunger, the artifice, our crumbling edifice. 3. Sure, wives & sheers, but we’re hungry. Momentarily, the implements of artifice will crumble. Our edifice will commit sabotage. This coiled wanting. Here. 4. Sure. Our wives laze with surgical sheers. But we’re hungry. In moments, the implements of artifice will crumble. Our edifice will commit to coiled wanting, here, in the sharp gleam of polished cutlery, 5. Sure. The caravan commits. We wait. Our wives are hungry. They coil and want. Polish cutlery. We’re sharp in moments. A gleam beneath the edifice. Artificial. But here. Rifted. Exposed. Divided in drawers. 6. The caravan commits and we wait. Our wives are hungry. They coil with want. Sharp moments gleam behind edificial porticoes. Families huddle, their children writhe in the shadows of this portentous edifice. Here, rifts exposed, gods divided into drawers, we’ll shoot if we have to. 7. Yes. We’ll shoot if we have to. If the wives hunger & want. If the porticoes crumble. If gods divide in drawers. Families can writhe & rift. Sharpen children in the coils of this edificial huddle. We must shadow the caravan. Develop portents from simple signs: a tire, an axle, the exposed machine. 8. We’ll shadow the caravan. Develop portents from simple signs: a tire, an axle, the exposed machine. Our wives hunger and want. Our gods, divided in drawers, sharpen children at the porticoes. We’ll not let our families writhe in the coils of this edificial huddle. We’ll shoot you if we have to. 9. We sharpen the coils. Expose the machine. The caravan spawns children. Axels between drawers. Our gods tire. Huddle beneath shots. Wive themselves on shadowy porticoes. Beyond the edifice. Beyond this hunger. We are momentary. We commit. 10. The machine spawns duplicates. We commit in moments, shots from the shadows, gods in exposition. We huddle in the portico, beyond edification, beyond hunger, waiting it out. The Purification and The Progeny. 11. Yes. Purify the exposition. Purify the portico. Duplicate this spawning machine. Behind the edifice, a hunger for movement. Moments later, a commotion of progeny. 12. Behind this edifice, the machine hungers. Behind this movement: a calculated moment. Expose duplicates to commotion. Watch for extrapolation, extraction. Are they obsolete. Or absolved. 13. No more teeth, but the extraction begins. Don’t absolve the orthodontist. Her calculated edifice. Her duplicate obsessions. Her drill, now obsolete. 14. Extraction drills begin before dawn. Arm to the teeth. Calculate. Expose the obsolete. Absolve no obsessions. |
s.burgess' work
has appeared in Heterophylla
and Slightly West. williamgallien's work has appeared in Versal and On Uneven Ground and is forthcoming in Snow Monkey, Pontoon and Slightly West. He sells plastic boxes and organizes bedroom closets to support his unrewarding writing habit.