in a now or in a not each so To resuppose or say. seeing doubtful into once and for. And whenning. once and ever so and doubtful into say to say or resuppose each so and whenning Labor Day is for and louder than our own among and above all the steps in order to are needed, see or in that fashion to part company increased and further drawn to give, and say no more drawn, or cannot go to let or do or say are ramp and see and at an end a fold or band the tuft and wear
lives in
New York
City where he edits the online journal, eratio postmodern
poetry. His
poetry and prose have appeared online at The Argotist Online, Nthposition, Shampoo, Typo, In Posse Review and at Softblow and in print in Barrow Street,
jubilat, The Germ and in Xcp:
Cross-Cultural Poetics.