Almeder Logan
Identity Crisis |

Clark Cramer Gladding Hedges Kearney Knott Logan teaches creative
writing is the
author of whose new book of poetry O’Rourke’s Riley’s Rosser’s Wright’s
Murray’s fourth collection of poems has appeared is the culture
editor will appear is mounting an expedition to find the Lost Cliff
Dwellings Bernheimer Barton Chang Ashley Coray Epstein is influenced by
American Sign Language appears widely most recent book and directs
co-edits has received teaches at is currently enjoying a year of
irresponsibility in a sort of traveling circus tent was born in
lives in is due out from Sarabande Tactile Mind Penguin Farrar Straus
Giroux in 2006 2007 2008

geb. 1969 in
Schwäbisch Hall, Buchhändler in Stuttgart, Studium der
Germanistik und Anglistik in Konstanz und Glasgow, wiss. Dokumentar in
Köln, lebt und arbeitet in Bern. Veröffentlichungen von
Lyrik, Prosa und literaturwiss. Texten in Zeitschriften und
Anthologien, Lesungen, Hrsg. einer lit. Anthologie und Betreiber eines
literarisches Weblogs (taberna kritika). Mehr:

Ishmael Among the Bushes |


T r o u b l e
Anstett's second
collection, No Accident, won the 2005 Balcones Poetry Prize. A new
collection, tenatively titled Each Place the Body's, is forthcoming in
2007 from Ghost Road Press.
An Alfabeto, An Alphabet

Ellen Baxt is a poet and
dancer who lives in Brooklyn, NY.

The Metal Sunset of Tomorrow's Ascending Dissension
cover art, "Stairwell"
by Trygve Faste

Jules Boykoff is the author of _Once Upon a Neoliberal Rocket Badge_
Books, 2006) and _The Suppression of Dissent: How the State and
Mass Media
Squelch USAmerican Social Movements_ (Routledge, 2006). He lives in
Portland, Oregon,
United States.

erik brandt
a city a cloud
poetic texts: Elizabeth Workman
Barbara Campbell

Brandt teaches typography and visual communication at Virginia
Commonwealth University in Doha, Qatar, and has been active in
university teaching for the past eight years. Educated internationally,
his research interests focus on issues of globalization that affect and
drive the complexities of inter-cultural visual communication systems.
His career began as a cartoonist in Japan, and has since found focus
largely in printmedia. He maintains a small graphic design studio,
Typografika, and has also received recognition for his short films.

mackenzie carignan
listening lost
surface tension

is a poet and teacher at University of Illinois, Chicago where she
teaches both writing and literature classes and is dissertating for her
PhD in Creative Writing. She has recent publications in Fourteen
Hills, Briar Cliff Review, Hayden’s Ferry Review, The Chaffin Journal
(Pushcart Prize Nomination), Liberty Hill Poetry Review, Into the Teeth
of the Wind, Sniper Logic, Square One, and bluesky review as well as
upcoming poems in ACM (Another Chicago Magazine), Alligator Juniper,
Wicked Alice, and RIEN’s Evening of Odds. Recent honors include
the Chicago Bar Association Charles Goodnow Memorial Award, Near South
poetry award, and she was named a finalist by Anne Waldman in the 2003
Poetry Center’s Juried Reading. She was also named an AWP Intro Award
recipient in 2001, a finalist in the 2003 Paumanok Poetry Award
Competition, and won 1st place in the Jovanovich Awards for her
manuscript Red Field in 2002. She is planning a move to
Broomfield, Colorado with her husband and son in the fall of 2006 where
she will desperately search for a teaching job.
edwards  |
kari edwards is a poet, artist and gender activist, received
one of Small Press Traffic's books of the year awards (2004), New
Langton Art's Bay Area Award in literature (2002); and is author of
obedience, Factory School (2005); iduna, O Books (2003), a day in
the life of p., subpress collective (2002), a diary of lies -
Belladonna #27 by Belladonna Books (2002), and post/(pink) Scarlet
Press (2000). edwards' work can also be found in Scribner's The Best
American Poetry (2004), Bay Poetics, Faux Press, (2006),Civil
Disobediences: Poetics and Politics in Action, Coffee House Press,
(2004), Biting the Error:
writers explore narrative, Coach House, Toronto, (2004), Bisexuality
and Transgenderism: InterSEXions of the Others, Hawoth Press,
Inc.(2004), Experimental Theology, Public Text 0.2., Seattle Research
Institute (2003), Blood and Tears: Poems for Matthew Shepard, Painted
Leaf Press (2000), Aufgabe, Tinfish, Mirage/Period(ical), Van Gogh's
Ear, Amerikan Hotel, Boog City, 88: A Journal of Contemporary American
Poetry, Narrativity, Fulcrum: an annual of poetry and aesthetics, Pom2,
Shearsman, and Submodern Fiction. kari
's email is :k.e.terra1@gmail.com

rosemary stretch
Fagin’s poems appear in a number of literary journals including Fence,
Five Fingers Review,
So to Speak, Van Gogh’s Ear, Word For/Word and The World among
others. She is the author of For Every Solution There is a
Problem (Open 24
Hours, 2003) as well as a number of self-published
chapbooks. Recent work appears in Women’s Studies
Quarterly. Betsy
currently lives in England where she works as a librarian at the
Art Library in London.

greg fuchs
Pieces of the Sky
Greg Fuchs
is an artist living in New York City. His work documents the
interaction between institutions, land, and people. Fuchs is the author
of Came Like It Went (BD Books, Washington, DC 1999), New Orleans Xmas
(Range, Eureka, CA 2002), Pieces of the Sky (Dusie, 2006), Rolling
Papers (Furniture Press, 2005), Street Debris with John Coletti (Fell
Swoop, 2005), Temporary (Unarmed, Minneapolis 2004), and Uma Ternura
(Canvas and Companhia, Portugal, 1998. Fuchs is the Director of the
Federation of East Village Artists (FEVA), producers of the HOWL!
Festival of Arts, whose mission is to celebrate preserve the Lower East
Side as a preeminent locus of culture. Visit www.gregfuchs.com to view
more projects.

or, (from the markings of) the small her( o) |

from New England,
Susana Gardner now lives in
Switzerland, where she writes and edits Dusie. Her first chapbook, To
Stand To Sea was published this year by the Tangent Press.

surface tension

Glassman lives in
Palmyra, NJ and works as a medical test development
associate. His poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Iowa
Review, Sentence, Coconut,
MiPoesias, Ocho, South Carolina Review, Free Verse, and
others. He also curates the INVERSE Reading Series in
Philadelphia. More of his work can be found on
his blog at http://scottglassman.blogspot.com

David Goldstein'spoetry has appeared or is forthcoming in
Jubilat, Typo, Zeek, Alice Blue Review, Epoch, The Paris Review,
Shampoo, Watchword, and many other journals. A former editor at SAVEUR,
he has published articles on food and music in Time Out New York,
National Geographic Traveler, The New York Sun, SOMA, and elsewhere. He
currently teaches creative writing and Renaissance literature at the
University of Tulsa, where he is completing a book of poems and a
critical volume about digestion and originality in seventeenth-century
England. |
lorraine graham
speculations descending therefrom

KLGraham is
the editor of Anomaly, a magazine of innovative poetry and poetics with
a focus on writers in greater Washington, DC. Her poetry, book, and art
reviews have appeared or are forthcoming in Mirage/Periodical, Primary
Writing, Poetic Inhalation, Submodern Fiction, The Review of
Contemporary Fiction, and elsewhere. She is the author of two
chapbooks: Dear [Blank] I Believe in Other Worlds (Phylum Press) and
Terminal Humming (Slack Buddha).

Jared Hayes'
poetry and visual art has appeared or is forthcoming from Bombay Gin,
HotWhiskey Magazine, Five Fingers Review, and small town. He is the
co-author, with Joseph S. Cooper, of Insuring the Wicker Man Shadow
Created Delusion (HotWhiskey, 2oo5).

jen hofer 
* l a w s *
Hofer is a poet and translator originally from the San Francisco Bay
Area. Her recent publications include Sin puertas visibles: An
Anthology of Contemporary Poetry by Mexican Women (University of
Pittsburgh Press and Ediciones Sin Nombre, 2003), slide rule (subpress,
2002), and the chapbooks lawless (Seeing Eye Books, 2003) and
sexoPUROsexoVELOZ (translations of poetry by Dolores Dorantes, Seeing
Eye Books, 2004). Her next books will be a full-length translation of
Dorantes’ sexoPUROsexoVELOZ, (Kenning Editions 2007), a
translation of Laura Solórzano’s lobo de labio, (Action
Books, 2006), a collaboration with poet and musician Patrick Durgin
(Atelos, 2007), and a book-length series of anti-war poems, titled one
(Palm Press, 2008). Her poems and translations can be found in recent
issues of 1913, Aufgabe, Bomb, Bombay Gin, Primary Writing and War and
Peace. She lives in Los Angeles, where she teaches poetics, works as a
court interpreter, and is happily a founding member of the City of
Angels Ladies’ Bicycle Association, also known as The Whirly

How Many of You Are You?
cover art: Tanja Miljevic


The Good
Amy King
is the author of
"Antidotes for an Alibi" and "The People Instruments." She
teaches English and Creative Writing at Nassau Community College/SUNY
and is the managing editor for miPOesias. Please visit
www.amyking.org for more.

Even as a
Paul Klinger
lives in Tucson, Arizona with little Phoebe. He is a member of POG
and MacawMacaw Books. In the fall, he will co-host the Cushing Street
Series created by Chax Press with Dawn Pendergast. He has published
book reviews at Diagram and Cutbank, and his poems can be read online
Dusie, hutt, and Snorkel. He has just completed work on his first
letterpress book, The Long Day that Proceedeth So from Eveane. His
long-running blog, Sea
Quills has
run out of disk space

Night Season
Mark Lamoureux lives in Astoria, New York. His work may be found
online at Big Bridge, Sonaweb, Shampoo Poetry, The Verse Magazine
Weblog, Can We Have Our Ball Back?, Gutcult and his translation of
Gérard de Nerval's "Les Chimeres" at Fascicle. He is the author
of 3 chapbooks: Film Poems (Katalanché Press), 29
Cheeseburgers (Pressed Wafer) and City/Temple (Ugly Ducking

T r a c t |
Jon Leon lives in Savannah where he edits Live Action Arcade with the
poet Allyssa Wolf. New poems and articles are forthcoming in Vanitas
and Magazine Cypress. Italian translations of his serial epic Diphasic
Rumors are forthcoming in GAMMM. Contact him at

In Fortune
Lauren Levin
grew up in New Orleans, has lived all around, and just moved to
Oakland. Her poems often accompany Jared and Catherine's, but
this is their first formal collaboration. Her poems have appeared
in GutCult and Shampoo, and are coming out in Word For/Word and Mrs.
Maybe. Her first chapbook is named Adventures.

Magi is a
2006-07 writer-in-residence with the Lower Manhattan Cultural Council
Workspace program. She is the author of Threads, forthcoming in fall
2006 (Futurepoem Books,) and Cadastral Map (Portable Press at
Yo-Yo Labs.) Prose, poetry, and visual work has been published in issue
#29 of Jacket, CutBank Poetry, The New Review of Literature, Aufgabe,
Chain, Pierogi Press and is forthcoming in HOW2: Experimental Writing
by Women, and the summer 2006 issue of The Brooklyn Rail. Visual work
has been exhibited at the Brooklyn Arts Council Gallery, the 7th
International Meeting of Visual Poetry, and the Brooklyn Waterfront
Artists Coalition. She teaches literature and writing at The City
College Center for Worker Education and The Eugene Lang College of the
New School, and from her apartment in Brooklyn, she runs Sona Books, a community-based
chapbook press with a corresponding web-magazine at www.sonaweb.net

Picture of a Basket

Sarah Mangold is the author
of Household Mechanics (New Issues) and the chapbooks Boxer Rebellion (g o n g)
and Blood Substitutes (Potes & Poets). New work is forthcoming in
The Denver Quarterly and Coconut. She lives in Seattle where she
publishes Bird Dog, a journal of innovative writing and art

Mauro was born in San Mateo, California, in 1970. Her
work has appeared in 580 Split, Skanky Possum, Syllogism, Mungo Vs.
Ranger, Outlet, Big Bridge, COMBO, Kiosk, Jacket, Milk, How2, and The
Argotist Online, among others. She has work forthcoming in Outside
Voices’ Anthology of Younger Poets (eds. John Sakkis and Jessica Smith)
due out in 2008, and is currently co-editing an interdisciplinary book
about sidewalks titled Transience with Marci Nelligan, due out spring
2007 from Chain as part of its Chain Links book series. Dispatch, also
in collaboration with Marci Nelligan, is her second chapbook. Her first
chapbook, Odes, in homage to New York School Poets, was published in
2003 by Sardines Press. In addition to poetry, she also writes book
reviews for Jacket. She teaches rhetoric and writing at the University
of San Francisco, and lives in the Bay Area with her husband, Patrick,
and daughter, Nina. They are expecting their second child in October.

Full-Figured Rhapsody
Sheila E. Murphy’s most recent full-length collection is a
collaboration with Douglas Barbour titled Continuations
(The University
of Alberta Press). She is the author of numerous books of poetry, and a
visual poet
included in a forthcoming (September 2006) installation by Harriet Bart
of visual poetry etched on a 20-feet glass wall at the Rondo Community
Library in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Other visual poetry has appeared in
numerous gallery exhibition, including Harvard University’s Dudley
House exhibition titled “Infinity.” She and Beverly Carver founded and
coordinated for 12 years the Scottsdale Center for the Arts Poetry
Series, at which poets were commissioned to create original texts in
response to visual art included in traveling exhibitions. Murphy was
trained as a flautist, and performed actively during the first two and
a half decades of her life. Her home is in Phoenix, Arizona.
Insect Country (A)

SAWAKO NAKAYASU's books include So we have been given time Or,
(Verse, 2004) Nothing fictional but the accuracy or arrangement (she,
(forthcoming from Quale Press, 2005) and Clutch (Tinfish
chapbook, 2002). Find more info here:

marci nelligan |
Nelligan's work has apperared or is forthcoming
in syllogism, Moria Poetry, Dusie, Chain, Free Lunch, Verse, and
H-ngm-n. She is currently co-editing an interdisciplinary book about
sidewalks entitled "Transience" with Nicole Mauro, due out spring 2007
from Chain as part of its Chain Links book series. Dispatch, also in
collaboration with Nicole Mauro, is her first chapbook. She
recently moved to Amish country with her husband Lee and is trying
really hard to stop swearing.
: a p o e m :

Cheryl Quimba recently turned 22 and works for the federal government
in Washington, D.C. She likes to write in Times New Roman,
Verdana, and Courier New. She writes poetry while working.
Cheryl is right now writing poetry while working. She has no pets
but thinks often about birds.

In the Quells
from Long Island and a long-time resident of Boston, chris rizzo
currently lives in Albany, New York, where he is working on a Ph.D. in
English. His latest chapbooks are Claire Obscure (Katalanché
Press, 2005) and Zing (Carve Editions, 2006). His poems have appeared
in many magazines over the years, such as Art New England, Carve,
Dachshund, Shampoo, and most recently in The Duplications. He is also
the editor of Anchorite Press, which he founded in 2003.

poetry, interviews and reviews have appeared or are forthcoming in New
American Writing, Aufgabe, Mirage #4/ Period(ical), The Poker, Hot
Whiskey, Shampoo, Bombay Gin, Drill, Shuffleboil, and Kulture
Vulture among others. Translations of Greek poet Demosthenes
Agrafiotis have appeared/ forthcoming in Fascicle, Sliding Uteri
and Small Town. In the Summer 2005 Silas Press (Athens) published his
translation of Siarita Kouka's long poem Benthos. An interview with
Benjamin Hollander was recently published in Hollander's book Vigilance
(Beyond Baroque Books). Three chapbooks: he, don Juan, a translation
(Beets and Gasoline/ 2nd edition forthcoming from Detumescence), Bout
Bout (Farfalla), and An Anglo-Saxon History (Detumescence). He is the
recipient of the 2002 Francis Jaffer Award for poetry as well as the
Canadian 2005 Wild Faces Poetry Prize. A short play, Game 6, was
directed by Kevin Killian and performed at the 2005 San Francisco
Poet's Theater Jamboree. He edits the monthly BOTH BOTH series and
translation for Bombay Gin. He is from San Francisco.

heart on a tripod
Cover Art: Gifts from the Earth, by Jessica Berg Swanson

Kaia Sand
is the author of
interval (Edge Books) and co-editor of the Tangent. She lives in
Portland, OR USA



ryan smith
2 poems from the Bottom of
the Barrel
Logan Ryan Smith lives in San Francisco where he publishes
the poetry mag, small town, and the fledgling chapbooks press,
TRANSMISSION. His own work can (or will) be found in New American
Writing, Hot Whiskey Magazine, Bombay Gin, Mirage #4, Drill, FRAME, and
Boog City among other mags, as well as the anthologies, Bay Poetics
(Faux Press), and The Meat Book (Hot Whiskey Press). Chapbooks
published online: ghosts spiders &dogs, and amber faint, both from
Detumescence Press (detumescence.com).

paper poem
Snyder is the author of
Flown Season (Portable Press, 2004), Forecast Memorial (Duration,
2002), Blueprint (811 Books, 1999), and Double Ear (811 Books, 1999).
His translations of Catullus’ poems 1-30 were published as This
Charming New Chapbook (Situations, 2003). He currently lives in Los
Angeles, where he is a doctoral candidate in comparative literature at

Can Arboreal Knotwork Help Blackburn
out of Frege’s Abyss?

Spahr's work, including excerpts from another chapbook, The Julias,
appears in recent issues of Alice Blue, Shampoo, mark(s), and Fascicle.



jared stanley
In Fortune
Stanley lives and
works in Northern California. His poetry has
often alongside Catherine and Lauren's poems. His poems
have been in Conduit, Gutcult, Mustachioed, and
Mrs. Maybe. There's also a chapbook, called
Daylight With a Stick.

late may

Jill Stengel lives in Davis, CA where she writes poetry,
publishes a+bend press, parents her two young children, and does other
stuff. Additional recently published work can be viewed online at
texfiles.blogspot.com and www.shampoopoetry.com and in print in Dirt,
Superflux, and Traffic. A chapbook, wreath, is forthcoming this fall.

catherine theis 
In Fortune
poems can be found in
Fence, GutCult, MAKE Magazine, Northwest Review,
Court Review and
Mrs. Maybe. She is also the author of the
chapbook, The
Maybook, published by Your Beeswax Press.
dana ward
New Couriers
Dana Ward is the author of Standards (Sea.Lamb.Press, 2004),
and The Imaginary Lives of My Neighbors (Duration, 2003). Recent
work is out or forthcoming in Mirage #4/Periodical, Small Town, New
College Review and other places. He lives in Cincinnati and edits
Cy Press.

a city_ a cloud.
art/images: Barbara Campbell
Gestaltung: Erik Brandt
Elisabeth Workman was born in 1976 outside of Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania. Her work has appeared in _VeRT_, _Long Shot_, _So to
Speak_, and _Myopia_ (a collaborative manifesto), among others. She has
worked as a grant-writer for tribal organizations, a city planner for a
small Midwestern town, a writer for public broadcasting, and a
bartender at the Wrangler Inn in Mobridge, South Dakota. From
2002 to 2004, she served as a Pennsylvania Council on the Arts
Artist-in-Residence, conducting poetry workshops in schools throughout
rural Pennsylvania. Her attraction to
obscure locales has currently manifested itself in her residence in
Doha, Qatar, where she lives with her husband and teaches writing at an
international school. This, _a city_a cloud_, is her first chapbook.

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